
Lockdown diary!

The artistic project created during online teaching! Cartooning! Art does not stop! – Art never stops! Art never stops!

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Congratulations Giorgia!

Congratulations Giorgia! We are proud of the excellent results achieved by our student Giorgia Oprandi, who ranked first in the Rotrans Trophy-Provincial Youth Circuit Visit Brescia, and second in the…

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Award presentation : Bravo Bravissimo

#23ottobre # Bravissimi, on 23/10/2020 at #Vanvitelliano the presentation of the certificate of merit to the students of the first-year secondary schools of Brescia who distinguished themselves with their grades…

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Campionati Studenteschi di Sci

Grande performance dei nostri studenti ai Campionati Studenteschi di Sci che hanno avuto luogo a Ponte di Legno. BMSB ha ottenuto come squadra il secondo posto e negli individuali si...
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