About us



The BMSB offers a bilingual education designed on a study plan compliant with the National Guidelines for the Curriculum (2012) and the most recent National Guidelines and new scenarios (2017). This course, in fact, allows a deeper study of curricular subjects with a view to achieving ministerial skills and is complemented by a significant use of the English language and the presence of mother tongue teachers. The teaching is modulated in order to guarantee a real learning path for all students, both those coming from a bilingual course of study, and those who have followed a “traditional” one.

The mastery of the language allows us to lay the foundations for the construction of knowledge, facilitates and stimulates the comparison between different cultures and ensures effective and adequate communication to the target audience, purposes and contexts.

The BMSB school offers an education characterized by an important use of the English language. In compliance with school autonomy, the hours of lessons provided entirely in English amount to 13 hours per week in the first and second year and to 14 in the third year. Added to the curricular hours of language with the class teacher and with the mother tongue teacher, are the hours of co-presence between the Italian subject teacher of art and technology and the mother tongue teacher. Physical education and music are also taught in English.

A CLIL (Content and Learning Integrated Language) project is also active in the school, which involves the subjects of Science, History and Geography over the three-year period. During the first and second year, students have the opportunity to take the TRINITY GESE certification exams (Graded Examinations in Spoken English), while in the third year they take the Cambridge language certification exams (KETfs or PETfs).

Since the student is at the heart of the educational programme, the BMSB also offers a reinforcement of Physical Education by proposing different sporting activities, such as running, padel, swimming, and volleyball. All the activities are aimed at the student’s physical well-being and collaboration between peers through team sports.



The BMSB welcome project aims at a peaceful transition to the new school reality. In fact, prior to the beginning of the school year, the first year classes, at two different times and divided by section, take part in a friendly and educational experience at a mountain resort in the province of Brescia. Accompanied by some of their teachers, the objectives are meeting and getting to know each other, and observing the dynamics of relationships in an extracurricular context.



The educational activities are spread over five days a week, from 8.00 am to 1.40pm.

The choice of the short week (Monday – Friday) as well as allowing a break from teaching activities, provides more time for the students to devote to their families or sporting commitments.

The school, to help parents with specific logistical or timetable needs, offers a reception service starting at 7.30 am until the start of school activities.

For those coming from a

traditional course of study

Italian 6
History and Geography 4
Science 2
Music 1 1
Technology 1
Art and Design 1 1
Physical Education 2
English 2
Maths 4
Tot. hours 18 12
Spanish 2
Italian 6
History and Geography 4
Science 2
Music 1 1
Technology 1
Art and Design 1 1
Physical Education 2
English 2
Maths 4
Tot. hours 18 12
Spanish 2
Italian 6
History and Geography 3 1
Science 1 1
Music 1 1
Technology 1
Art and Design


1 1
Physical Education


English 2
Maths 4
Tot. hours 17 13
Spanish 2

For those coming from a

bilingual course of study

Italian 6
History and Geography 3 1
Science 1 1
Music 1 1
Technology 1
Art and Design 1 1
Physical Education 2
English 2
Maths 4
Tot. hours 16 14
Spanish 2
Italian 6
History and Geography 3 1
Science 1 1
Music 1 1
Technology 1 1
Art and Design 1 1
Physical Education 2
English 2
Maths 4
Tot. hours 16 14
Spanish 2
Italian 6
History and Geography 3 1
Science 1 1
Music 1 1
Technology 1 1
Art and Design 1 1
Physical Education 2
English 2
Maths 4
Tot. hours 17 13
Spanish 2

a.s. 2023/2024


Teacher component

Dianti Silvia | Didactic Coordinator
Chiabò Raffaella | Italian teacher
Gatta Stefano | Mathematics teacher
Nicol Stephen | Teacher of Motor Sciences
Ferrari Anna | Italian teacher
Botti Andrea | Teacher of Art and Technology
Dickson Jane | English teacher


Parents component

Mrs. Ferri Barbara
Mrs. Bonalumi Olivia
Mrs. Barbi Luigia
Sir Bezardin Andrea
Mrs. Buffoli Bettina
Sir Zanardelli Luigi
Mrs. Botto Elena
Mrs. Fontana Elisa / Anna
Mrs. Taini Cecilia
Sir Gambarini Giovanni
Mrs. De Leonardis Elisabetta
Sir Guerrini Carlo


Administrative staff member

Lonardini Melissa
Educational Offer Plan


The Three-Year Academic Programme of the BMSB school – Bilingual Middle School of Brescia was drawn up by the teaching staff in the session of 29/10/2018 on the basis of the managerial act prot. 1023 of 22/10/2018 and was approved by the School Board in the session of 20/12/2018 with resolution no. 1.

Educational Co-responsibility Pact


The inclusion and educational success of all our students is the main objective of the BMSB school together with the response to the new problems of disability, Specific Learning Disorders and Special Educational Needs. To deal with these problems, the school has a specialist teacher responsible for welcoming and taking care of the students.




Approved by the Teaching Committee and the School Board


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our best FEATURES


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